Place: Istanbul-turkey
Start Date: 25/11/2014

End Date: 28/11/2014

the Turkish government will bear the expenses of a comprehensive hotel accommodation and breakfast only also bear the costs of Transfers to and from the airport and to and from the place of residence and exhibition companies.

Who wishing to participate should book tickets before the date of the exhibition at least two weeks.


the Egyptians importers who speak English, French or German fluently and have a desire to import fromTurkish companies must attend a personal interview with the Commercial Counselor of the Turkish Embassy before 5th of November.


For more information, you can contactwith the commercial counselor of the Embassy of Turkey in Cairo office through: -
- Address: AlShahed Abdul Hadi Salah Abdullah St.- the Nile Corniche - Building No. 7 Flat No. 2 - Dokki - Giza.
- Phone: 237626802
- Fax: 237626803
To get your discount on  tickets of airline ((Egypt Air Lines - Turkish Airlines)): -
Please contact the Public Relations Department through:
- Mobil: 01001529625
- Phone: 27964687