Food Africa 2015

Place: Cairo International Convention and Exhibition Center
Start Date: 6/5/2015

End Date: 9/5/2015

Featuring an extensive four-day showcase that covers all the sectors of the food industry, Food Africa - Cairo will provide space not only for the presentation of quality food manufacturers from all over the world, but also

a premier meeting place for the food and drinks industry and a vibrant source of products for the African market.


Over just four days, exhibitors will get the chance to meet face to face with thousands of wholesalers, distributors, retailers and other industry professionals, and develop partnerships which will see their products stocked in shops and supermarkets all over Egypt, and the greater African market.



For More Information please contact  the organized Company : 

-Tel: 0020225245187/25245188/25283101

- Fax: 0020225245199
- E-mail: