Tunis Med Industrie

Place: Tunis
Start Date: 12/6/2015

End Date: 15/6/2015

A third edition which will be held under the theme: « Working For the Future ».

Professionals in the fields of Electricity, Electronics, Mechanics, Metals, Plastics, and Automotive ….

are invited to this occasion to promote their products and innovations.

This opportunity is also offered to them to share their views and experiences at the space B to B meetings

with their foreign counterparts as well as in workshops and technical workshops programmed in conjunction

with the Exhibition. 

for more information kindly call Fedration of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce, through:
- Tel: 27951136/27956066
- fax: 27951164/27943801
- E-mail: fedcoc@itfedcoc.org 
noting that dead line to paticipate as an exhibitor before April 30, 2015.