UNITEE Business and Trade Fair

Place: Belgium Brussels
Start Date: 5/6/2015

End Date: 6/6/2015

UNITEE Business and Trade Fair is a unique concept as it brings together embassies, 

promotion agencies and entrepreneurs from around the world to build business synergies

and trade bridges.

The attending entrepreneurs will not only be able to get a maximum of information on global

business opportunities in a minimum of time, but also to meet other entrepreneurs

through B2B matchmakingsthat will be scheduled in advance.


Deadline for registration is 25 May 2015, To register, please click : 


In charge of the organisation:

Alexandra Lacroix - Communications Manager

E.mail : info@unitee.eu

To get a special discount on airline tickets ((Egypt Air- Turkish Airlines)) 



Please contact  public relations Department at Cairo Chamber of Commerce


- Mobile: 01001529625


- Phone: 27964687