Interbuild Jordan Fair 2015

Place: Amman -Jordan
Start Date: 12/10/2015

End Date: 14/10/2015

 Interbuild Jordan Fair 2015

12th to 14th October r 2015 


Venue: Halls of Zara Expo

Amman -Jordan 


In Harmony and Conjuntion with:


STONE-JO Show 2015

Stones, Marble and Granite Show


In Parallel and Timing with


SPARK Exhibition and JIEEEC Conference  

Interbuild Jordan 2014 has been organized under the Patronage of His Excellency the Prime Minister with participation of 120 exhibitors from India ( Pavilion), China ( Pavilion), Greece, Hungary, Belgium, UAE, Egypt, Palestine and Jordan,   

Interbuild Jordan Fair 2015 will be the 8th Fair and Conference for Construction Technology, Building Industry, Architecture, Decoration, Marbles and Stones, Lighting and Installation Techniques.


For participation ,Please contact MR. Mohamed Attia 


- Phone: 01115040608 - 01224240503


- E-mail:


- Website:




To obtain your discount on airline tickets (( Egypt air / Turkish Airlines )) :

Please contact the Department of the Public Relations at Cairo Chamber


- Mobile: 01001529625


- Phone: 27964687