Turkish – Arabic Expo

Place: Izmir - Turkey
Start Date: 26/10/2015

End Date: 29/10/2015

Turkish-Arab Businessmen Association (TURAB) and Turabexpo work to create new projects between

Turkey and the Arab countries in the feilds of Textile, Clothing, Leather and their Technologies. 


Countries participating:


Arab Countries: Jordon , Morocco, Palestine, Iraq, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates,

Algeria, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Kuwait, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Syria, Mauritania, Lebanon.


Turkish Countries: Republic of Turkey, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the Republic of

Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.


Summit with the support of: The Ministry of Economy . Ministry of Industry and Trade . Governor of Izmir .

Chamber of Commerce of Izmir . Exporters Association of Izmir . Izmir Chamber of Industry .

Turkish-Arab Tourism Organization Association


for more information kindly Contact: 


Mob.:   +90-534-774-1359

          Tel.:   +90-232-425-7770

Fax.: +90-232-281-3929

E.mail: turab@turabexpo.com