Eighth World Chambers Congress

Place: Doha, Qatar
Start Date: 22/4/2013

End Date: 25/4/2013


"The only global meeting place for chambers"


The ICC WCF World Chambers Congress is organized by the ICC World Chambers


Federation. Held every two years in a different region of the world, the Congress is


the only international forum for chamber leaders to share best-practice experiences,


exchange insights, develop networks, address the latest business issues affecting their


communities, and learn about new areas of innovation from chambers around the world.



The Congress addresses at a practical level how chambers can serve, strengthen, and


support their member companies.


This exciting event assembles a global community of more than 12,000 chambers of


commerce, their leading business members, and influential world leaders. It provides a


unique opportunity for interaction between delegates from more than 100 countries.


This conference will be titled (opportunities for everyone).


Rates of participation in seminars and business program ranging from $ 100 to $ 750.


Noting that there will be international trade seminar on April 22, 2013 and attendance will be free.

who wish to participate in cthe conference and reservations, please visit the following website:
For visas, please visit the website of the Qatari Ministry of Interior:
For special discount on airline tickets:
- EGYPTAIR - Turkish Airlines
- Contact the Public Relations Department
- Mobile phone: 01001529625
- Tel: 27964687