The Financing of Renewable Energy Projects in Egypt - 1 October 2015

Place: Etgpt- InterContinental CityStars Cairo
Start Date: 1/10/2015

End Date: 1/10/2015

The Financing of Renewable Energy Projects in Egypt is scheduled to take place in Cairo

on Thursday 1st October 2015. Whether you are involved with the Feed-in-Tariff scheme, through a direct agreement or as an independent power producer, this is a not-to-be-missed informative and networking event for all those concerned to learn about the various funding options available.

Key topics of the agenda include:


  • Status/overview of the renewable energy projects
  • Bankability of the renewable power projects
  • Access to international finance - the way ahead
  • Exploring innovative funding options for sustainable energy developmen

for more information kindly contact: