Reverse Buyer Seller Meet for Building and Construction Products, Machineries and Equipments including Building Interior and Exterior

Place: Mumbai, India
Start Date: 23/3/2017

End Date: 24/3/2017

Indian Chamber of Commerce with the support of the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India is organizing a Reverse Buyer Seller Meet for Building and Construction Products, Machineries and Equipments including Building Interior and Exterior in Mumbai, India viz. India Build Excon during 23-24 March 2017.


The Construction industry in India is an important indicator of the development as it creates investment opportunities across various related sectors. Construction sector plays a pivotal role in the economic growth of a nation, especially in an emerging one like India. The market size of Indian construction industry is around Rs 248,000 crore ($37.6 billion) and it currently employs a workforce of nearly 32 million, the second largest sector after agriculture. The ‘Make in India’ initiative of the Government of India aims to increase production and export from the Indian manufacturing sector by inviting more foreign investors to source products from India. Construction is selected as one of the 25 sectors included in the initiative, and therefore, the growth of this sector is inevitable in the years to come.




Building Automation

Building Interior & Finishes

Coatings, Sealants & Adhesives

Construction Tools & Building Materials

Electrical Systems

Flooring, Ceiling, Walling & Other Interior Finishes

Furniture & Furnishings, Textiles

Kitchen, Bathroom & Related Surfaces, Fixtures, Fittings & Accessories


Metal & Steel

Plumbing & Water Technology

Roofing, Cladding & Glazing

Security & Fire Protection

Solar Energy

Windows, Doors & Sun Protection Systems etc.

India Build Excon Buyer eMailer

    IBExcon Buyer App Form


For more information: 

Susmmita Das (Biswas)
Deputy Director & Head - Foreign Trade & Consumer Affairs
Indian Chamber of Commerce
4, India Exchange Place
Kolkata – 700001
P: +91-33-22534227
F: +91-33-22313377
M: +919830455632