Place: India
Start Date: 7/12/2017

End Date: 9/12/2017


The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India is


organizing the second edition of the biennial Global Renewable Energy


Investors Meet & Expo, RE-INVEST 2017, from 7 - 9 December 2017 at


the India Expo Centre, Greater Noida, and National Capital Region of


Delhi. The event is expected to be inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of


India. France is the Partner Country for this edition.




The RE-INVEST series has been envisioned as a global event to deliberate


upon strategies for development and deployment of renewables. RE-INVEST


showcases India's renewable energy potential and the Government's efforts to


develop and scale up capacity to meet the national energy requirement in


a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable manner.




RE-INVEST 2017 will build upon the success of RE-INVEST 2015 and explore


the advances made on the ground to achieve India's target of 175GW


renewable energy capacity by 2022. It will continue the ongoing information


campaign on renewable energy in India to established players, and reach out to


new segments of investors and entrepreneurs such as start-ups and venture


capitalists interested in clean energy.




This year’s event is expected to be attended by over 600 global investors,


10,000 domestic and international delegates, and Ministerial-level participation


from over 100 countries. RE-INVEST 2017 will feature a series of conference


sessions and special events on renewables, accompanied by an exhibition of


project developers, investors and energy-related stakeholders showcasing their


capabilities, technologies, and investment opportunities. RE-INVEST 2017 will


include G2G, G2B and B2B interactions.



A highlight of RE-INVEST 2017 will be the Founding Ceremony of


the ISA and Solar Summit, to be held on 8 & 9 December 2017. Hon’ble


Prime Minister of India, H.E. President of France, and the Secretary-General of


the United Nations are likely to grace the Founding Ceremony, which will feature


the formal ratification of the ISA and demonstrate India’s commitment to helping


harness the world’s solar energy potential for inclusive energy access and


responsible economic development. All prospective member countries of


the ISA have been invited to these events




India is placed strategically on the global clean energy map, with rising demand


and supply, an exponentially expanding and informed market, and proactive


policy support, including 100% foreign investment in renewable energy


development and deployment. RE-INVEST 2017 will provide a vibrant platform


for the international energy industry, investors and financiers, project


developers, manufacturers, multilateral agencies, R&D institutions, think tanks,


civil society, and academicians to engage with and experience


the incredible New India New Energy.







Assessment • Feasibility and Forecasting Service Providers ▪ Boiler • Turbi

Generator Manufacturers • Components Manufacturers • Consultants &
Certification Agencies • Electrical & Electronics Item Manufacturers • Electrical
Mechanical and Civil Contractors
EP C and O&M Contractors • Equipment Manufacturers
Forecasting Agencies 
Module Manufacturers and SuppHers • Plant Solution Providers

Project Developers • PV Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers • R&D

Firms • Solar Farr n Devi do and Owners •Solar Lighting Products • Pumps and

Systems • Solar Therrnal - Solar Tracking Technologies and Products

• Suppliers and Manufacturers of Materials • Components & Service Providers

• System Integrators • Technology Providers • Turnkey Solution Providers

• Wind Farm Developers and Owners • Wind Monitoring and Analysis Systems

Suppliers • Wind Turbine Manufacturers


For further information please contact the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry :


Mr. Atul Kumar        - Assistant Director , Trade Fairs .

Mobile:   +91-9818767929

E-mail :


Ms. Shikha Jain        - Research Associate, Renewable energy .

Mobile:   +91-1123487421



Or contact the Embassy of India in Cairo:


Address: 5 Aziz Abaza St., Zamalek, Cairo


- Website:


- e-mail


- Telephone: 27360223/27361014


- Fax: 27364038