AFCEA Jordan’s Cyber Security Conference

Place: King Hussein Business Park, Amman,Jordan
Start Date: 11/12/2017

End Date: 13/12/2017

AFCEA Jordan’s Cyber Security Conference is the first of its Kind 


International Conference held in the Middle East. The conference is scheduled 


to be held on December 11th till 13th, 2017 at the King Hussein Business 


Park, Amman, under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Feisal Ibn 


Al-Hussein, the Honorary President.



The conference will revolve on the following themes:

The vision of His Majesty in transforming Jordan into a modern knowledge-based economy, and ensuring safe and secure environment for people and businesses.
Modern Cyber Crime, Traditional Law Enforcement and Strategic National Intelligence – Collision of Cultures OR Happy Family?
National Cyber Security Challenges Incident Response & Threat Intelligence: “Weaponizing Threat Intelligence: Discovery Of Present, Past And Future Attacks”
Why Do We Need To Train Strategic Cyber Security Decision Making?
Future Cyber Threats & Trends Cyber Security Awareness Workshop Human Factor: How to Train Cyber Teams Workshop:“Modern Methods of Applied Psychology [Used in Training of High-Performance Cyber Incident Response Teams” SCADA Security (Industrial Cyber Security, CIIP).

Conference Theme


“Secure the Future with Cyber Protection”


Registration fee:


To attend the first day: $250 (10% discount for more than five persons from the same Organization)

For the second day: $500 (10% discount for more than five persons from the same Organization)


For Registration and download the agenda please visit the website: