25th edition of ExpoMed Eurasia

Place: Istanbul, TURKEY
Start Date: 22/3/2018

End Date: 25/3/2018

the leading and indispensable showcase of hospital and medical equipment, medical devices and medical technology


Electro Medical Equipment & Medical & Laboratory Technologies

• Monitors and Imaging Systems

• Electro Medical Equipment

• Operation Room Equipment

• Disinfection and Sterilization

Orthopedics & Consumables

• Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Therapy Products, Devices and System

• Orthopedic Devices, Orthoses and Prostheses

• Orthopedic Implants and Trauma Products

• Disposable Supplies

Hospital Build & Medical Facility Management

• Hospital Construction and Contracting

• Hospital Beds and Equipment

• Hospital and Office Furniture, Waiting Rooms

• Patient Handling Equipment and Ambulances


- For more information please contact the Chamber of Engineering Industries:

 Mr. / Salah Abdel Haq


· Mobile: 01002174354

· Telephone: 25774334 - 25774112

· Fax: 27735469


- Or  visit the following website:






- Please send the registration form for the exhibition to the Chamber of Engineering Industries at the following e-mail:
