Workshop on technological available alternatives to HCFC 22 in refrigeration and air conditioning industry

Place: Triumph Hotel - El Khalifa AlMaamoun - Heliopolis
Start Date: 9/5/2013

End Date: 9/5/2013




The workshop aims to help in making decision of turning to use the suitable alternative


in the manufactureof refrigeration and air conditioning in terms of technical,


economic, environmental aspects.  international experts and representatives


of some of the leading industrial companies in the field of refrigeration


and air conditioning will participate in the workshop, and successful experiments,


that have been implemented in some developing countrieswill be displayed



 For inquiries or to confirm attendance, please contact:




 Eng / Ahmed al-Qurashi.

Tel / 01222375923



Ozone Unit

Tel / 01281071060

E-mail: ozone.egypt @