India Electricals & Electronics Virtual Expo

Place: Online
Start Date: 10/3/2021

End Date: 13/3/2021



The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce& Industry and the Indian government, organizes the Indian Virtual Exhibition for Electricity and Electronics in the presence of officials from the Indian Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, the Ministry of Micro and Medium Enterprises, the Ministry of Power and members of the local and international industrial trade Authorities and associations.



The exhibition will feature bilateral meetings and virtual galleries with brochures and catalogs for companies in the following Activities:




Everything related to electricity from:


 Switches and electrical control equipment.



Electrical transformers and their parts.



Electronics and cables.



Electric poles.



Electrical conductors.



Electrical machines (motors, generators and their parts)





Everything related to electronics from:



Electronic connectors.



Electronic Systems (embedded systems).



Display screens and electronic gauges.



Automotive Electronic Systems.



Electronic Medical Service (EMS)




For more information about the exhibition, please visit the following website:




You can also fill out the participation form on the website:





For further inquiries and registration, you can contact Mr. Siddhartha Mishra, Director of The Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry:






Phone: + 91-9999913164




You can also contact Mr. Mohamed Al-Tayeb at the Commercial Office of the Indian Embassy in Cairo :




Address: 5 Aziz Abaza Street - Zamalek - Cairo



Phone: 202-27361014 / - Fax: 202-27352765





