IEEMA E-Connect-Global Buyer-Seller Meet - 2021

Place: online
Start Date: 13/12/2021

End Date: 23/12/2021



The Indian Association of Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers (IEEMA) is organizing the Global Forum for Indian Bilateral Buyer and Seller Virtual Meetings for Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers

 ((IEEMA E-Connect-Global Buyer-Seller Meet - 2021))



The forum's Activities are everything related to electrical and electronic devices, such as:


Cables, panels for control devices, lighting, transformers, energy meters


For more information about the forum, please visit the following website:


For more information and to register, please contact us:


- E-mail:


 - You can also contact Mr. Mohamed El-Tayeb, Commercial Official Office of the Embassy of India in Cairo, through:


- E-mail:




- Phone: 202-27361014 - Fax: 202-27352765