Place: Pragati Square - New Delhi - India
Start Date: 27/3/2023

End Date: 28/3/2023


The Exhibition Activities:


Artificial intelligence / robotics / manufacturing / data analytics / web and mobile applications / (finance - education - agriculture – health) technology and techniques


Blockchain system / Animation films


Cyber ​​Security (Computer security) / Photonics / IT Devices / Remotely Piloted Aircraft / Medical electronic devices / radio communication equipment.






Participation costs :

- In the case of participating as an exhibitor you will pay 350 US dollars At least for reserving a 9 km2 equipped exhibition partition.


- In the case of participation as an exhibitor you will pay 320 US dollars for reserving an 18 km2 unequipped exhibition hall At least.





-18% Goods and Services Tax (GST)


- Energy source (125 US dollars per kilowatt per 9 square meters)


For inquiries and registration, please contact Mr. Gurmeet Singh, Executive Director of the Indian Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC) - Or Mr. Vikrant Saxena, Deputy Director of the Indian Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC):


- Phone: 0091-11-47480000


- Email:


 -Website: WWW.


Or contact Mr. Mohamed El-Tayeb, the Commercial Attaché Office at the Embassy of India in Cairo: 


- phone: 202-27361014


 - Fax: 202-27352765




- E-mail: