Indian Telecom 2023

Place: New Delhi - India
Start Date: 1/2/2023

End Date: 15/2/2023



The Indian Telecom Equipment and Services Export Promotion Council (TEPC) Organizes India "Telecom 2023"



The exhibition will include bilateral meetings for specialists in the field of communications and information technology.





- The organizer will pay the costs of:


Air tickets cost up to $550


The cost of Accommodation in the hotel for 3 nights only (including breakfast) in New Delhi Internal transfers


- The participants will pay any other costs




- For more inquiries and registration, you can contact Mr. Arun Gupta Director General of the Indian Telecom Equipment and Services Export Promotion Council (TEPC):



- Phone: +91 9868133450/ +91 9350836103


- Email:





- You can also contact Mr. Mohamed El-Tayeb at the Office of the Commercial Attache at the Embassy of India in Cairo:



- E-mail: /



- Website:



- Phone: 202-27361014


- Fax: 202-27352765