The Twenty-Sixth Session Of The Arab-German Business Forum,

Place: Ritz-Carlton Hotel - Berlin, Germany
Start Date: 5/6/2023

End Date: 7/6/2023


The Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry invites companies and businessmen to participate in The Twenty-Sixth Session Of The Arab-German Business Forum, which is scheduled to be held during the period from June 5 to 7, 2023 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel - Berlin, Germany, which will be a platform for business leaders, experts and decision-makers to discuss the challenges and opportunities available through group discussions, round tables and international workshops to discover the unlimited possibilities of Arab-German trade relations.




This year, the forum will focus on key sectors with potential to drive growth and create new opportunities by expanding business in new markets, learning about the latest trends and technologies, and building an international network.




You can also communicate with the Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry :

- Tel: + 49 (0)30 278907-14 / - Fax: + 49 (0)30 278907-49


- E-mail: ghorfa(at) /


- Website: /



You can also communicate with the General Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce :


- Tel: +202-28105011/ - Fax: +202-28105011

- Email :



Note that participation will be at the expense of the participants.



The Attached Forum Brochure