Tender for developing the port system of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority

Place: Sri Lanka
Start Date: 24/6/2024

End Date: 19/7/2024


The tender includes the design, development, financing, operation, modernization, and maintenance of the port system of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority.



Note: The deadline for participation is Friday, July 19, 2024.



For more information and to obtain the brochure, please contact the Sri Lanka Ports Authority:


- phone: +94-112421201


- Email: info@sipa.lk


 - Website: www.slpa.lk/port-colombo/pcs


For more information, you can contact the Sri Lankan Embassy in Cairo:


- Phone: 27354966-27350047


- Fax: 27367138


- Email: commercial.cairo@mfa.gov.lk


 - Website: www.slembassyeg.org