Attempts to limit the negative aspects of ((value-added tax)) on markets

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Sunday - 25 September 2016 - 11:55 AM


Mr. / Ali Shoukry, Cairo Chamber’s Vice-Chairman said that the VAT will inevitably impact on commodity prices, because it is extra cost and ultimately borne by simple citizen, therefore it makes sense to increase the prices, which is undesirable now In light of declining sales.


He confirmed that he is not rejecting the application of this tax that would increase the proceeds of the state, but it is not apriority right now.


In the same context, Mr. / Ahmed ElZeiny Cairo Chamber’s Board member ,and head of the General Division of building materials at the General Federation of  Egyptian Chambers of Commerce, said that applying tax will result in increasing the commodities covered by the tax only , pointing out that on the level of his sector increased the price per ton of iron to reach a 6440 pounds commercially and 6570 pounds for the consumer, however he ruled out that the value-added tax will impact on main commodities prices.