Egyptian exports to China recovered and imports decreased

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Tuesday - 13 March 2018 - 12:32 AM


Egypt's exports to the Chinese market last year increased by 60% to reach US $ 408 million, compared with US $ 255 million in 2016.  Egypt's imports from the Chinese market also declined from 10 billion and 430 million dollars during the year 2016 to 9 billion and 530 million dollars last year, a decline of 8.7%, bringing the total volume of trade between the two countries in 2017 to 9 billion and 938 million dollars, compared with 10 billion and 685 million dollars during the year 2016, by 7% decline.




He pointed out that the large increase in Egyptian exports to the Chinese market is due to the increased competitiveness and acceptance of Egyptian products in this huge marketEgypt also ranked fourth in China's largest trade partners list in Africa, explaining that the increase in exports and the decline in imports from the Chinese market contributed to the decrease in the trade deficit between Egypt and China, a decrease of 10.3% compared to 2016.