Portuguese president meets with chambers representatives

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Tuesday - 17 April 2018 - 2:3 PM



Mr. Marcelo de Sousa, the Republic of Portugal President, met with the Egyptian Chambers’ members of Boards and business organizations representatives during the second Egyptian -Portuguese Business Forum activities, in the presence of the Egyptian and Portuguese businessmen, Eng. Tarek Qabil the Minister of Trade & Industry and Portugal’s Economy Minister Manuel Cabral.





Ahmed Al-Wakil, Chairman of the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce, said that the meeting comes as completion of the business forum activities held in last October. Pointing out that the President al-Sisi visit to Lisboa in November 2016 had contributed to expanding relations in all fields.



He explained that they will promote for the Egyptian investment opportunities, joint projects and financing mechanisms available in Portugal through the forum, which amounted 22 billion dollars provided by various funds and European development banks.