Tarek Qabeel: 260 new Standard specifications

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Sunday - 29 April 2018 - 9:31 AM



The Minister of Trade and Industry, Eng. Tareq Qabeel assured that developing the quality system and upgrading the Egyptian products quality coming as the ministry top priority during the current stage.



This came after receiving three detailed reports on performance indicators of Egyptian Organization for Standards & Quality, the National Quality Institute, and Egyptian Accreditation Council (EGAC) last march.



Eng. Ashraf Afifi, Chairman of Egyptian Organization for Standards & Quality, said that the authority conducted a periodic inspection on the quality mark of 41 companies and confirmed the compliance of two companies’ quality specification which had applied for the quality mark.



About 241 international certificates were registered in the Organization of Standardization and Quality, in addition to preparation of 228 new standards ready for accreditation, according to Afifi.