How do you benefit from participating in trade fairs?

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Wednesday - 2 May 2018 - 1:17 PM


Trade fairs offer many opportunities for sales, help to find new suppliers, and save time and money with achievements that take weeks, sometimes months; so be sure to participate in trade fairs on a regular basis.




When you allocate a huge amount of your project budget to cover the costs of participating in exhibitions, with the interest that your booth in the exhibition is in a privileged position; and therefore spend more amounts; what raises the question: What is the benefit to have a special place in the exhibition if no one visits you?




The answer to this question is to do some simple tasks before you start the show, so you can make sure that your place attracts customers and receives enough attention from them. These include:





1. Send online invitations to potential customers two weeks before the show begins.


2. Send an electronic invitation to the media a week before the show begins, and invite them again 48 hours before the show to make sure that the invitation delivered; if the exhibition has a special press office, make sure that you are on the list of its permanent clients.


3. Focus on advertising on a new product. Most customers care about everything new.




Product Brochure:


Design a newsletter for your exhibits, from which customers can remember your products after the show ends, making it easy to order.




The prize:


Announce the award to motivate customers to visit your place at the show by visiting each customer and placing a card in a glass box. One card will be withdrawn at the end of the show. The winner will win one of your valuable exhibits or the prize will be a new technical device. Making sure your reward is valuable and; it inspires enthusiasm in your customers.