The emergence of commercial chambers and their historical development

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Wednesday - 2 May 2018 - 1:33 PM


The Chamber of Commerce is an official institution with special resources that oversees the commercial and investment activity, which was established to find an organized and unified entity to represent the private sector establishments. Therefore, it represents the link between traders and those involved in commercial and economic activity in order to solve the problems of trade, which hinder the availability of any commodity and so on.


The emergence and historical development of chambers of commerce:


In 1880, a Chamber of Commerce was established in Alexandria, but it was an English Chamber.

In 1884 the Italian Chamber was established. The French Chamber was established in 1892, the Greek Chamber in 1901 and the American Chamber in 1919, all of which were in Alexandria, which was the commercial capital of the state at the time.


The Egyptian Chamber of Commerce in Cairo was established in 1913, and the Chamber of Commerce in Egypt was issued in the same year. The Egyptian Chamber of Commerce was established in Alexandria in 1922. The Cairo Chamber of Commerce ceased working in the following year due to the conditions of the First World War. It was reconstituted in 1919 after the revolution of 1919.


The rules of procedure of the Egyptian Chambers were established in 1927 and the Chamber of Commerce was established in Port Said in 1928, Assiut Chamber in 1933 and Tanta Chamber in 1936.


On October 25, 1951, Law No. (189) was promulgated, which established the current Egyptian Chambers of Commerce and the resolutions of 1951 and the resolutions implementing it, as well as Law No. 6 of 2002.