Chambers of Commerce Activities

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Sunday - 6 May 2018 - 10:37 AM



The chamber is concerned with the collection of information and statistics of interest to those working in the field of trade, and with providing government authorities with the required data and information on trade. Moreover it provides consultations about the establishment of stock markets and the organization of trade, industrial and agricultural exhibitions and markets.




 The chamber of commerce collects information, statistics that concern trade and industry and catalogues and publishes them, and provides the government with information, data and opinions related to trade and industry issues and determines the trade common trend.




The chamber also gives opinion in the establishment of stock markets, beaches, ports, markets and industrial fairs, and gives rights of privileges related to public utilities.


The chamber presents opinions and proposals to the government in the following issues:





A- Laws, regulations and taxes on trade and industry

B- Customs tariffs

C- Establishing and redirecting transportation routes, fees and charges.

D- Regulations for shops that are considered disturbing and harmful to health.

E- All other matters related to the progress of commerce and industry




Setting up permanent fairs, museums, markets, schools, trade and industrial institutes and other foundations after the approval of the trade and industry minister and according to law and regulations.




Possessing and building establishments needed to be a chamber's premises or for its affiliated facilities and institutes.





Issuing certificates for the origin of Egyptian goods, the nationality of exporters, crop prices and all certificates that the minister of trade and industry permits to be issued and determines the charges of these certificates with an approval of the trade and industry minister.



Makes contacts with other chambers or governmental bodies to get the needed data and information related to its activities.




Forming sections of salesmen who practice the same trade or industry that is related to its activities or other trade and industry activities that are related to each other to observe their joint interests under the supervision of the chamber.




The chamber can form arbitration committees from its members to settle disputes that are presented to it after an agreement with the parties concerned.