$ 5.6 billion British investments in Egypt

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Monday - 21 May 2018 - 11:40 AM


Minister of Commerce and Industry Eng. Tarek Kabil said that the Egyptian government is working to overcome all obstacles that may face the existing and new British investments in the Egyptian market in order to enhance the joint investment movement between the two countries. Especially that Britain is one of the largest foreign countries invested in the Egyptian market with total investments of $ 5.6 billion through 1450 projects.



During the first meeting of the members of the Egyptian-British Business Council after the restructuring, the minister reviewed the role of the Council in promoting economic cooperation between the two countries to maintain the pace of trade relations between the two sides in the future and reduce the impact of Britain's exit from the EU on economic relations, the trade and joint investment movement.



Hisham Mekkawy, head of the Egyptian side of the Egyptian-British Business Council, said that the council is seeking to organize a visit to a number of British companies to visit Egypt during the second half of this year to identify the investment opportunities available in the Egyptian market and the most important features offered by the investment climate in Egypt, The economic reform program currently being adopted by the government, pointing out that a cmmon permanent communication has been established between the Egyptian and British sides to enhance and activate the follow-up of the Council's activities.