A business trip to Greece and some countries in the Balkans

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Tuesday - 22 October 2013 - 2:16 PM


Egyptian Junior Business Association Announces for organizing a business trip consists of delegation


of businessmen and businesswomen: 1) To Greece: In collaboration with with


Ms. / Aliki Botutu - Business Development Consultant AT Athens Chamber of Industry and Commerce


. 2) To the Balkan countries ( Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montigiro ) in cooperation with


the International Relations Committee of the assembly, Embassies, and chambers of commerce


of the aforementioned countries.



This trip includes all sectors of the Assembly which they will be met with businessmen of these


countries to provide the following opportunities (Investment - Import and Export - privileges for joint







• for Greece trip: Direct Travel aviation Cairo - Athens - Cairo.


• For the whole trip: Cairo - Greece (transit Istanbul) / flight from Greece to Albania drive from Albania to


Macedonia - Bulgaria - Kosovo - Albania / Airline Albania to Cairo (transit Istanbul). A Breakfast will be


held in Cairo with the ambassadors of the countries listed after Eid al-Adha holiday in Cairo to discuss


all details and opportunities for collaboration.




• Please fill out the subscription form as much detail as possible for a well-organized meetings to


contact the right partners


• Please emphasize to participate prior to the date 10/14/2013, payment and processing of all


the required documents on the first working day after the Eid al-Adha.


For more information please visit: Website: www.alikipot @ gmail.com