Egyptian food industry penetrates the African market

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Thursday - 13 December 2018 - 9:29 AM




Manar Nasr, Executive Director of the Food Export Council, revealed the Council's plan to increase the food exports to the African market.



She noted that a number of trade missions were sent to some African countries in 2019, like Ghana, Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire, Tanzania, and Ethiopia.



This plan was implemented to maximize the COMESA Agreement benefits, which allow the Egyptian exporter to enter East Africa markets (COMESA) with customs Privileges that reach full exemption of customs duties on export from Egypt if Products were originated in Egypt.



She added that Egyptian food exports to non-Arab African countries recorded a value of $ 270 million between January and September 2018, and to 35 African non-Arab countries, pointing out that the soft drinks concentrate at the top with $ 68 million, mills products valued at $ 40 million, sugar valued at $ 39 million, pasta with $ 34 million, $ 12 million yeast, $ 11.5 million food, $ 10 million products based grains and cereals and $ 10 million juice.