Domestic trade contribution to GDP increases through a range of logistic areas

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Sunday - 13 January 2019 - 11:28 AM


Dr. Ibrahim Ashmawy, first assistant Minister of Supply for investment and asset Management and head of the internal Trade Development agency, unveiled 5 investment opportunities in the governorates of Suez, 30 acres, Qena 16 acres, Luxor 26 acres, Sharqia 52 acres and Alexandria 50 acres with investments of 25 billion pounds, It is intended to be provided about 200,000 direct and indirect jobs.


Ashmawy added that during the signing of a protocol between the Internal Trade Development Authority and the Suez Governorate to establish a logistics commercial area of ​​30 acres with investment value of LE 2 billion, in the presence of Dr. Ali al-Mesailhy, the Minister of Supply, for the first time an investment map was prepared for commercial activities. Governorate based on a set of economic indicators, including population density, purchasing power and consumption volume, and thus through which the actual needs of each governorate are identified.


The first Assistant Minister of Supply for Investment and Asset Management and Head of the Internal Trade Development Authority explained that the average of each of the logistics areas with an area of ​​20 feddans is about 1 to 2 logistic area, 3 to 4 commercial centers and 2 commercial markets on 20 to 30 acres, The trade chains, which each governorate needs about 4 commercial chains, and it will be working on it during the next four years and it will be a quantum leap in commercial investment in Egypt, pointing out that the governorates were classified into three types of labor-intensive , touristic and the rest of the governorates, Where the average need of the citizen from commercial spaces in first type is a quarter of a meter, the second is a half of a meter and the rest of governorates is a meter according to modern trade.