Chairman of the Investment Authority hosts the Businessmen Association

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Sunday - 24 February 2019 - 12:28 AM


In the framework of economic reform to reduce the time and effort exerted by investors, Mohsen Adel, CEO of GAFI, held a meeting with representatives of law firms and accounting agencies dealing with the Investors Services Center at the Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation headquarters.



The committee's priorities are to improve the mechanisms of communication with investors and their agents, speeding up the pace of the reforms carried out by the ministry, and the commitment to apply the rules of governance and accounting standards to achieve easy and simplified procedures while protecting the rights of all parties and achieving the highest level of accuracy of data, Which paints a better picture of the Egyptian economy entirely and economic sectors in detail, in front of investors and economic decision-makers.



During the meeting, the Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation and the General Authority for Investment were issued a volume containing the decisions of the Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Decisions on the organization of work and amendment of the Executive Regulations of the Investment Law, the guideline for protecting minority rights in companies, the rules of public associations and the work of grievance committees.



The volume also includes all the periodical books issued by the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) for organizing the work since last July, in addition to all executive decisions related to the organization of the work.



Electronic copies of the volume were distributed to representatives of the law firms and accounting offices, Investment and international cooperation by applying the principles of governance and good governance, and easier for investors, increasing the awareness of customers with companies, and ensuring that there is no conflict of interests.