Japanese Ambassador: the economy stability increased the Japanese companies’ interest to invest in Egypt

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Thursday - 21 March 2019 - 11:30 AM




Japan's Ambassador to Egypt Masaaki Noki said that the interest of Japanese companies in Egypt has increased recently, after implementing the economic reforms under the wise leadership of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and the macroeconomic stability and trend towards growth.



The Ambassador expressed his hope for further improvement in Egypt's business and investment climate for achieving sustainable economic growth and providing jobs. He hoped that Egypt could play an important role At the G20 Summit and the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), scheduled to be held in Japan this year, in the framework of its presidency of the African Union.



The meeting discussed the possibilities and issues of enhancing trade relations between Japan and Egypt, the huge investment opportunities in the light of Egypt's large population and the remarkable improvement in the investment climate and economy.



The Japanese companies introduced their activities and proposals on developing a future policy for the local automobile industry in Egypt; they also suggest improving the investment climate.



Hiroyuki Ishige, chairman of JETRO - Japan External Trade Organization, confirmed that the organization is going to seek to attract Japanese investments to Egypt.



"There are great opportunities for investment in Egypt," he added, pointing out that these days are the best time to invest in Egypt.



Chief Executive Advisor of Toyota Tsusho Japan and Chairman of the Japanese side of the Egyptian-Japanese Business Council, Satoshi Ozawa, said that his company is the largest Japanese company investing in Egypt in several sectors, pointing out that the company has future projects in Egypt, notably the wind power station in the Gulf of Suez and many other projects.