Abu Jabal "as head of the Stationery division at Cairo Chamber and" Hassan and AlAzhary "first and second deputies

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Thursday - 2 May 2019 - 11:12 AM




Cairo Chamber of Commerce has formed the Board of Directors of Division of Tools, Stationery and Toys Traders for a period of 4 years starting from April.



Ali Shoukry, Cairo Chamber's vice Chairman announced the formation of the Bureau of the Division, which was chosen by acclamation. Ahmed Abu Jabal was assigned as Chairman, Khalid Hassan and Taher Al Azhary were First and second Vice- Chairman and Alaa Adel as the General Secretary of the Division.



He called on the Division's Board of Directors to form working groups to discuss the problems of this sector, and seeking to develop proposals for solving the development of this sector.



Ahmed Abu Jabal said that the new session of the Division will experience service Diversity in this sector through forming a group of specific committees from the division's Board members to discuss all the requirements and problems of this sector.