A Protocol of cooperation between Cairo Chamber and Delta Insurance

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Thursday - 5 September 2019 - 2:13 PM




The Cairo Chamber of Commerce announces signing a protocol of a personal accident insurance policy with Delta Insurance Company for both traders and their employees as well as the Chamber employees and their families through which you can insure your life and your property.



Life insurance conditions:



Annual cost:  L.E 60


No requirement of medical tests and documentation


Paying 100000 pounds in case of death and total permanent disability resulting from accidents.


Paying a percentage of the 100000 pounds in the case of partial permanent disability according to the disability ratio.


Paying 5000 pounds for the medical expenses resulting from accidents.


Paying L.E 3,000 for prosthetic devices resulting from the accident.


Paying 3000 pounds for funeral expenses resulting from the accident.







Property Insurance Conditions:


Annual cost:  L.E 60


This policy covers any damages resulting from the below perils:



 (fire, Lightning, explosion of water pipes, overflowing of reservoirs, collision of vehicles, burglary, aircraft crashes, riots, civil and labor unrest




To get the policy the amount of insurance should be limited



Required Documents:-


Copy of the national ID

Copy of the commercial register.

Copy of payment receipt.





For more information and registeration you can contact: -


Cairo Chamber of Commerce - 4 El Falaky Sq., Bab El Louk - 4th Floor.

El Tamayoz Center - Opera Garage - Ataba (Tel. 27979921)