Shanghai Province discusses investment opportunities in Egypt

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Monday - 25 November 2019 - 12:18 AM



Engineer Ibrahim El-Araby, Chairman of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Chairman of the Cairo Chamber of Commerce, stressed the importance of increasing economic cooperation and trade with China as Egypt and China have excellent political, trade and economic ties



This came during the opening speech of the economic forum "Egypt China" that delivered on behalf of him Mr.Khaled Mustafa, Chief executive of Cairo Chamber.



The Chief executive added that the Chinese investments in Egypt has witnessed a big boom in recent years. The volume of Chinese investments in Egypt, estimated at 817 million and 91 thousand U.S. dollars for 1491 Chinese companies operating in Egypt has been increased as a result of the economic reform that Egypt witnessed and became a land of promising opportunities



He confirmed The increase in trade exchange between the municipality is due to the fact that the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and affiliated with traders members of the chambers of commerce in the governorates promote investment and trade opportunities and deal directly with Chinese companies through coordination with the Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Cairo



For his part, the head of the delegation of the China Council for the Development of International Trade (Pudong) stressed the need to discuss the opportunities of trade exchange and joint investment with a number of businessmen and investors from Shanghai Pudong Province, who represent many sectors in the trade and industry of electrical appliances and import and export of many goods and products.



He said "We seek to activate economic cooperation and increase trade exchange between our two countries, which is witnessing unprecedented developments, especially on the commercial and industrial levels. The trade relations between the two countries have witnessed a tangible development in light of the political relations that have witnessed great growth recently".