El-Araby: The president's initiative to control prices is widely welcomed

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Monday - 25 November 2019 - 1:19 PM


Traders stressed that the President's initiative will revive the sales movement in shops and chains on various consumer goods, stressing the contribution of chambers of commerce in the initiative by providing consumer goods at discounted prices to consumers, and waiving part of the profit margin, is a confirmation of consumer support.



Ibrahim El Araby, Chairman of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Chairman of Cairo Chamber of Commerce, praised the initiative and explained that the aim is to stimulate sales and support the national economy during the coming period.



Ell-Araby stressed the importance of the participation of all segments of society in the success of this initiative to be implemented on the ground, because this will be reflected on all segments of society, whether they are manufacturers, traders or citizens.



El-Araby stressed that the initiative will be given special attention of chambers of commerce at the level of the Republic, pointing out that the Federation of Chambers of Commerce launched an initiative to reduce prices as directed by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and the Federation formed an operations room to follow up the results.



He emphasized the importance of the private sector participation and support in order to meet the requirements of citizens, noting that the market needs to support such initiatives for the economy.