General Assembly of Division for Recruiting employment abroad selected "Imam" as Chief

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Tuesday - 17 December 2013 - 12:36 AM


General Assembly of Division for Division for Recruiting employment abroad at Cairo Chamber of


Commerce selected the following canditates by uncontested election during the meeting of restructuring


the division:


Hamdy Imam-Chief

Moneer  Elmasry – first deputy

Said Hendy – second deputy

Waleed abo Shama – secretary General



Hamdy Emam said- after he officially had assumed the responsibility of the division – that there are a lot


of problems facing companies and should be solved by concerned parties during the coming period.



He added that companies performances will be developed by team work and Strengthening the role of


the division as legitimate representative to the concerned authorities internally and externally. He pointed


out that there are many serious ways of opening new markets for Egyptian companies and employment.



He referred that the targets of the division during its new session are opening specializing advancing


training centers, which needed for foreign markets, plus demanding for developing new education


systems fitting with the needs of labor markets inside and outside Egypt, and finally creating


communication link with Tax Authority in order to settle all accumulated tax problems of companies long





He assured that all companies in this field should work and adhere to unified code of honor.



He demand the members of the division for working together in order to open new markets for Egyptian


labors beside Saudi markets so as not  to be under control of one market.