Elaraby Supports Sisi's Initiative to Reconstruct Gaza

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Wednesday - 19 May 2021 - 12:22 AM



Engineer Ibrahim El-Araby, President of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and President of Cairo Chamber, confirmed his support for President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's initiative to provide the Gaza Strip with $500 million to finance its reconstruction following Israel’s bombing campaign.



Engineer Ibrahim Mahmoud El-Araby, announced that Egypt's loyal sons, merchants, manufacturers, and service providers, who number over 5 million members across the country, will not be late in joining President Sisi's initiative to help the brothers in Gaza Strip, and both the public and private sectors will work together to achieve this goal.



El-Araby explained that the Minister of Commerce and Industry has been engaged to issue a ministerial decision to accept donations from the members of the chambers in favor of Gaza reconstruction, as well as communications with the Chambers are done in all provinces to urge their members for donating in kind building materials and reconstruction supplies plus the participation of engineering consulting offices and contracting companies to undertake reconstruction.



El-Araby added that this will be integrated with food and medical aid from the members of the chambers to be sent through the government to the brothers in Gaza Strip.