Egypt is Taking Steps to Combat the E-commerce Chaos.

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Wednesday - 4 August 2021 - 1:2 PM


Egypt has recently made a number of significant steps in order to combat e-commerce chaos and social media fraud that drains individuals.



Egypt's consumer protection Agency has issued a warning about a page that uses people' personal information to withdraw money and steal their Facebook accounts.



Dr. Suad al-Deeb, President of the Qualitative Federation of Consumer Protection Associations and Vice President of the Arab Consumer Federation, says, "We always intervene to protect citizens from any pages that drain citizens financially and steal their money unjustly, and we always warn everyone to be cautious, and not being drawn behind any fake ads."



"The Egyptian state has been dealing electronically for some time, especially with financial coverage, and all services should be mechanised and online," said the president of the Qualitative Federation of Consumer Organizations. "However, there must be a clear law governing the issue of pages that appear overnight without knowing their source, the nature of their work, and the legality of what they sell to the public,"she added.



"Citizens must understand that there is a high probability of theft when buying online, and they should know their rights to obtain the high quality goods, as well as the importance of having invoice guaranteeing their right to return the goods if they are damaged or do not conform to specifications," she said.



The Consumer Protection Agency issued a statement on its official Facebook page, warning: "There is a page asking users to register in a link to win prizes consisting of phones, watches and laptops, when the phone number of the participants is registered, the balance is withdrawn and the personal account is stolen."



"The page was watched, and individuals responsible for it were reported to the Public Prosecution to take necessary measures," the agency stated in its statement.