Cairo Chamber of Commerce Welcomes a Kenyan Tea Industry Delegation

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Sunday - 22 August 2021 - 11:40 AM



Engineer Ibrahim El-Araby, Chairman  of  both the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce ( FEDCOC) and Cairo Chamber of Commerce , met a Kenyan delegation from the Kenya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which works primarily in the tea industry, as well as members of the Kenyan Embassy in Cairo, to discuss new ways of cooperation in the coming months.



The delegation made its first visit after Cairo chamber and Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry have signed a protocol of collaboration during the Kenyan mission's visit to Egypt last July, and as part of joint events to activate the protocol.



The Kenyan delegation was met by a group of Cairo Chamber members specializing in food commodities, led by Ahmed Yahya, former head of the Foodstuff Division, who emphasized the good relations between Egypt and Kenya, particularly in the field of tea, which accounts for a large portion of Egyptian consumption.



Yahya stated that Cairo Chamber and the Kenyan side have close ties to increase trade in various sectors and to take advantage of the COMESA agreement as an advantage to support bilateral relations in various activities, which has been worked on in the recent period in a way that strengthens bilateral relations, and that the protocol between the Cairo Chamber and the Kenyan Chamber was signed.



For his part, Mr. Wilson Erongo Nyakira, head of Kenyan delegation, said that the purpose of this visit is to raise the terms of trade and support the joint cooperation between Egypt and Kenya, and to discuss ways for new cooperation in the tea sector, pointing to the Kenyan government's interest in increasing the volume of Egyptian-Kenyan trade, especially the tea trade.



The Egyptian and Kenyan sides held bilateral meetings to discuss ways of cooperation in the coming period, benefiting from the protocol signed between the two chambers, which will be an incentive to increase joint trade exchange.



It is worth mentioning that Cairo Chamber of Commerce and the Kenyan National Chamber of Commerce and Industry had recently signed a joint cooperation protocol aimed at increasing bilateral economic relations and coordination between the business communities in the two countries.



This was revealed during a visit of the Kenyan mission led by Richard Nagatia, president of the Kenyan Chamber of Commerce, in last July, which was attended by David Lucian, Kenya's Assistant Minister of Commerce and Industry, John Otinho, Kenya's Ambassador to Cairo, and a number of Egyptian and Kenyan businessmen.