Breakthrough In Egypt’s Bluetooth-Equipped Devices Market After Lifting Import Ban

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Tuesday - 24 August 2021 - 2:5 PM



After an agreement was reached between the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) and the Cairo Chamber of Commerce, the problem of banning Bluetooth-equipped devices in the Egyptian market was resolved.



According to Karim Ghoneim, head of the Cairo Chamber of Commerce's Digital Economy and Technology Division, after negotiations with NTRA, the authority permitted admission of imported shipments of Bluetooth-enabled devices that arrived in Egyptian ports between June 1 and August 15.



Importers are required to register their companies on the NTRA website and provide relevant documentation, he noted. Samples from such shipments will also be forwarded to specialised laboratories for examination.



Representatives of the Cairo Chambers of Commerce are now discussing with the Egyptian Customs Authority to clarify the protocols for collecting samples and sending them to laboratories, according to Ghoneim.



Meanwhile, Ghoneim praised Ibrahim El-Araby, Chairman of both the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce (FEDCOC) and Cairo Chamber of Commerce, for his continuous assistance in solving the problem.



He emphasized that any choice to organize the market will benefit all stakeholders since it will simplify and facilitate implementation procedures.



In 2007, the NTRA announced a decision requiring the authority's approval for all shipments of wireless products landing in Egyptian ports.