Expo 2020 Egypt Pavilion

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Monday - 27 September 2021 - 12:14 AM


The Egyptian pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai received more than 10,000 visitors in last Friday, as part of the exhibition management's trial opening activities in the United Arab Emirates, in preparation for the official opening scheduled for next Thursday with the participation of 192 countries, according to the Ministry of Trade and Industry.


Egypt is participating in this international forum, which will last for six months, with a renowned pavilion that represents its weight and prestige at the regional and global levels, according to the ministry.


The Egypt pavilion is located in the Opportunity District of Expo 2020. The pavilion would reflect the image of Egypt, which amalgamates the authenticity of the past, the achievement of the present and the vision of the future. The pavilion will position Egypt as a land full of opportunities and also as one of the most important global tourists and archaeological destinations.


Expo 2020 Dubai was scheduled to be held last year but was postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak. It is set to be held this year with the same name starting 1 October and lasting through the end of March next year.


An ancient pharaoh’s coffin has arrived for display at Egypt’s pavilion.The coffin of priest Psamtik, the son of Pediosir, will be one of the centrepieces of the pavilion when Expo 2020 Dubai opens on October 1.The coffin is made of coloured wood and was recently discovered in Saqqara, an Egyptian village in Giza Governorate, known for its vast, ancient burial ground of Egyptian pharaohs and royals.The coffin is decorated with a large necklace that has the head of a falcon. Nut, the goddess of the sky appears, spreading her wings, carrying the two feathers of Maat, the goddess of truth and justice.