A New Formation Of The Pharmacy Owners Division And Haroun As Its Head

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Monday - 1 November 2021 - 1:36 PM


Cairo Chamber of Commerce, headed by Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby, Chairman of both the General Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce (FEDCOC) and Cairo Chamber of Commerce (CCC), formed the Board of Directors of the Pharmacy Owners Division for a new term that will last for 4 years after the end of its previous session, according to the Regulation of commercial Divisions in the Chambers of Commerce.



The division’s board of directors and its office body were chosen by acclamation, and Dr. Amir Haroun Came as the division’s head, Dr. Ibrahim Muhammad and Dr. Hazem al-Qammah as first and second deputies, and Dr. Dina Matar as the division’s general secretary.



Following the formation of the division's board of directors, Dr. Amir Haroun emphasized the importance of improving the division's performance in the new session, and that there are new proposals for the development of the pharmacy sector based on the general assembly's ideas and visions, which will form the general plan for it and through which work will be carried out in the new term under auspices of Cairo Chamber of Commerce.