Egyptian-Algerian talks to increase trade and investment exchange between the two countries

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Wednesday - 19 January 2022 - 11:39 AM



Eng. Ahmed Al-Weisimy, First Vice-Chairman of Cairo Chamber and Eng. Sameh Zaky, Second Vice-Chairman of the Cairo Chamber, on behalf of Eng. Ibrahim Al-Araby, Chairman of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Chairman of the Cairo Chamber, received Mrs. Warda Mujahid, Commercial and Economic Counselor at the Algerian Embassy in Cairo, to discuss ways of boosting joint Egyptian-Algerian trade and investment cooperation.



The two parties discussed ways of cooperation and integration in the coming period in many sectors, including renewable energy, tourism, agriculture, logistics and fisheries, as well as a number of commodities needed by the two markets, which would increase the volume of trade and investment exchange between them.



The two parties agreed, initially, to arrange a joint meeting during the month of May 2022 at the Cairo Chamber to discuss means of cooperation directly, in the presence of a number of the Egyptian business community and their Algerian counterparts to present investment and commercial opportunities that support the economies of the two countries.