El-Araby: Intensifying Efforts To Follow The Markets In Preparation For Ramadan.

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Monday - 7 March 2022 - 12:46 AM


In implementation of President El-Sisi’s directives to increase The Strategic National Stockpile, Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby, Chairman of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Chairman of Cairo Chamber of Commerce, assigned the task of intensifying market follow-up and monitoring the supply of goods in preparation for the month of Ramadan.



El-Araby stressed the need to coordinate with all parties to ensure market stability and request a daily report from the commercial divisions on the movement of commodity circulation and monitoring their availability in different regions and their diversity, especially the basic ones.



This came while presiding over an urgent meeting of the members of the Cairo Chamber’s office. El-Araby indicated the keenness of the political leadership, headed by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, to follow up the position of the strategic national stockpile of all basic food commodities, and that the President strongly emphasizes the need to strive to control the market and unite all parties in order to Increasing the supply of goods in the different governorates, in cooperation with the relevant authorities.



E-Araby stressed the need to follow-up the commercial divisions in the various activities,and monitor the market situation and submit a daily report on the progress of the commercial movement in order to overcome any obstacles that may arise on the market with regard to all commodities, and basic commodities in particular.



Al-Araby also stressed that the approaching entry of the blessed month of Ramadan requires to intensify efforts in following up on the market and preparing for this holy month