For The Third Year In A Row , Egypt Is The World's Largest Exporter Of Frozen Strawberries

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Tuesday - 5 April 2022 - 11:37 AM



Egypt was the world’s number one exporter of frozen strawberries in 2019, according to a new report by the United Nations’ (UN) World Trade Center. 



The Egyptian Food Export Council revealed that Egyptian exports of frozen strawberries made up 20% of all global exports last year, amounting to about 140,000 tons valued at $165 million.



This marks a significant growth in the market for Egypt which saw its exports of frozen strawberries increase by 40% between 2015 and 2019.



In second place behind Egypt is Poland, who exported 94,000 tons of frozen strawberries in 2019. Mexico came in third with 84,000 tons, with Morocco coming in fourth place with 73,000 tons, and in fifth place was China with 48,000 tons.



With regards to who imported the most Egyptian strawberries last year, Germany took the number one spot as they imported 24% of Egypt’s total frozen strawberry exports in 2019, a chunk of the exports that amounted to $40 million. Russia was the second largest importer as they bought close to 11% of all Egyptian strawberry exports in 2019, an amount valued at $18.4 million. 



Holland, Poland, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, France and Italy took the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th spots respectively, on the list of nations that imported Egyptian strawberries this year.