Under The Auspices Of Egypt's President And The Presence Of The Prime Minister Egypt Can With Industry In Its Sixth Edition

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Thursday - 2 June 2022 - 1:57 PM



On Tuesday, May 31, 2022, "the Egypt Can with Industry Conference" was held under the auspices of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the presence of Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, with the participation and presence of a large number of Egyptian experts abroad, as well as a group of industrialists in Egypt and a number of representatives of international companies.



mrs. nevin gamea, minister of trade and industry, stressed during her speech at the opening session of the conference that the industrial sector is receiving unprecedented attention from the egyptian state, as it is the engine of economic development in Egypt. She stated that this intense interest had the greatest impact on achieving qualitative leaps and developments in Egypt's industrial sector.



The minister said that the Egyptian leadership paid great attention to the export sector, which contributed to the achievement of Egypt's foreign trade indicators, a remarkable improvement, especially with regard to the increase in export rates, the decline in imports, and the achievement of a positive development in the indicators of Egypt's trade balance with the countries of the world. She pointed out that these factors contributed to the rise in the value of commodity exports, and Egyptian exports during the year 2021 reached 32.34 billion dollars, which is the highest value of exports in the history of Egypt's foreign trade.



Gamea noted that the government has taken, during the past 8 years, a number of measures to stimulate investment in the industrial sector, including the establishment of 17 industrial complexes in 15 governorates nationwide, at a total investment cost of 10 billion pounds, and a total of 5,046 industrial settlements that provide about 48,000 jobs directly. In addition to the establishment of four new industrial cities, including the Leather City in Robeki, the New Furniture City in Damietta, the Marble City in Galala, and the Medicine City in Khanka, as well as the opening of the first phase of the Spinning and Weaving Industries Complex in the Robeki area and the Silo Foods project for the food industries in Sadat City.



The minister went on to say that from July 2016 and today, 43.5 million square metres of industrial land have been made accessible in all governorates, which is four times the space made available in ten years.



A list of 100 stimulus measures has also been produced, according to the Minister of Trade and Industry, to advance Egyptian industry and invite investors to invest in various industrial areas.