Bakery Division Elections at Cairo Chamber of Commerce

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Sunday - 26 June 2022 - 1:44 PM




Attia Hammad was elected by acclamation as the division’s head, Ahmed Abdel-Rahman and Mahmoud El-Gawhary as first and second deputies, and Khaled Sabry as the division’s general secretary, during a session of restructuring the board of directors of the Bakery Owners Division at Cairo Chamber of Commerce, which was presided over by Ahmed El-Weisimy, Vice Chairman of Cairo Chamber.



Ahmed Al-Wasimy stressed that the Chamber’s board of directors attaches great importance to this division due to its societal and commercial importance, adding that the division has an active role in the next stage in serving citizens.



Attia Hammad, head of the division, said that the division works according to the general framework set by the state for the sector, and that bakery owners work side by side with the state due to the importance of this sector in community service, stressing that the coming period will witness an increase in this role to achieve the public interest.