Cairo Chamber's mobile phone traders division has called for mobile phones to be listed as basic commodities.

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Sunday - 26 June 2022 - 2:28 PM




The Mobile Traders Division held an expanded meeting at Cairo Chamber of Commerce, to address the most significant developments in mobile business, as well as the most significant challenges that mobile enterprises are currently facing.



This was in the presence of Ahmed El-Wasimi, Vice President of the Cairo Chamber of Commerce, and a number of representatives and agents of international mobile companies.



Ahmed Al-Wasimi called on the division’s board of directors to prepare a comprehensive memorandum of the sector’s requirements in preparation for submitting it to Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby, President of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and President of the Cairo Chamber of Commerce, to address the concerned authorities and coordinate with them to overcome any obstacles.



Mohamed Talaat, the head of the division and a member of the chamber's board of directors, also demanded that the mobile phone be placed on the list of basic commodities instead of the luxury commodities, noting that the division is examining all the complaints received from its members with the various concerned authorities.



At the same time, Walid Ramadan, a member of the Cairo Chamber’s board of directors and deputy head of the division, stressed that the requirement to place the mobile phone among the basic commodities comes because of its special importance in use, as dispensing with it has become very difficult at the level of working and living life. As well as It is one of the most important tools for implementing the state's development plan in digital transformation and financial inclusion, as well as adding to the state treasury the equivalent of 39% of the value of the mobile phone in taxes and customs fees.