Continuation Of The Decision To Ban The Export Of Oxygen Except With The Approval Of The Ministers Of Health, Trade And Industry

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Tuesday - 5 July 2022 - 2:27 PM



Ms. Neven Gamea, Minister of Trade and Industry, issued a decision to continue banning the export of oxygen except upon approval by the Minister of Health and Population and the Minister of Trade and Industry, for a period of one year starting from mid-July, provided that the decision is published in the Egyptian Gazette



Mr. Ibrahim Al-Sajini, Assistant Minister for Economic Affairs, explained that the first decision was issued last year within the framework of the state's comprehensive plan to protect citizens from any possible repercussions of the Corona virus and to provide the needs of hospitals and medical facilities from oxygen needed to provide medical service.



Al-Sajini pointed out that a survey of the Ministry of Health and Population found the need to continue working with the decision in order to provide liquefied oxygen to ensure the continuation of the medical service for citizens and the absence of any obstacles that affect the medical service provided.